Photomontage book by Wing
Photomontage book by Wing
Photomontage book by Wing
Photomontage book by Wing
Photomontage book by Wing
Photomontage book by Wing
Photomontage book by Wing
Photomontage book by Wing
Photomontage book by Wing
Photomontage book by Wing
Photomontage book by Wing
Photomontage book by Wing

Photomontage book by Wing

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Wing Chan was born in Hong Kong in 1962. Growing up in the shadows of the old Kowloon Walled City, and many of his formative experiences were embedded in that hard and difficult era. At the age of six, Wing began working at his parents’ noodle shop in a rough neighbourhood near Kai Tak Airport. At age twelve, Wing met photorealistic painter Michael Wong, and from the ages twelve to seventeen, Wing took drawing lessons at Wong’s studio three times a week after school to study and hone his artistic talents. However, feeling that his calling was to move abroad to pursue his artistic development, at eighteen, Wing left Hong Kong for the United States.

In 1985, Wing graduated from the world-renowned ArtCenter College of Design in Pasadena, California and began his award-winning career in commercial design. This led to the creation his own graphic and branding firm in New York City whose clients included American Express Private Bank, and Standard Chartered Private Bank. At the same time, Wing also served as an adjunct professor at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City. His graphic design works have appeared in numerous publications worldwide.

In 2011, Wing returned to Hong Kong seeking to rediscover his roots. Finding inspiration in the city’s diversity, he continues to showcase his mastery of forms, shapes, colours and textures through photography and the creation of photomontages. Since then, Wing has held exhibitions of his photomontages in Paris, Ginza, Kyoto, Kobe, New York, Seoul, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Bangkok.

In Wing's “Urban-Tapestry” photomontage series, he has created a pictorial meditation on the mundane aspects of city life. Shopping malls, escalators, buses, subway platforms and commuting passengers on the metro who are ridding themselves of the humdrum. Casting these everyday situations in a fresh new light. This collection reminds the viewer that, in the midst of the bustling, monotonous rhythm of such places, they are just threads in the fabric of urban society and they are what makes a city a living, breathing entity. What is accepted as normal is elevated to something special with its own identity.

In “Urban-Graphis,” Wing created a form of optical poetry, where a single subject of interest (found in an urban area) is interwoven with itself multiple times or positioned in such a way to become something completely different from the single original image. Reflecting the nature of modern cities, these electrifying and bold pieces urge the viewer to rethink their indifference about these overlooked features of urban society and to find beauty and unpredictability in surroundings that are otherwise stationary and formulaic. No matter it be Hong Kong, Paris, Seoul or any other city, you can immerse yourself in the mood of his visual music.

The hard cover book is 28cm x 28cm, 112 pages, using Japanese Mori Silk paper.  Made in Hong Kong. ISBN: 978-988-76578-7-3.

Limited edition with Wing's signature.

攝影藝術家陳漢榮 「城市編織」 (Urban-Tapestry) 和 「城市圖像」(Urban-Graphis) 攝影蒙太奇系列作品及EastPro 出版社最新出版的 ‘Wing Chan Photomontage’ 攝影集。從陳漢榮的作品,可以觀察人們的日常行為,觀察乘坐地鐵、在機場等待下一班飛機,或在香港購物商場搭扶手電梯的人群。這些行為是有條件的,每個人都意識到自己身處公共空間,卻不知道自己正被仔細觀察、捕捉、數碼處理,並且永久地成為陳漢榮都市織帶的一部分。在立體主義、抽象表現主義和包浩斯的潛在影響下,陳漢榮將它們轉變為極富活力的藝術作品。


生於香港,十八歲赴美,1985年,陳漢榮畢業於世界著名的加州帕薩迪納藝術中心設計學院 (ArtCenter College of Design),開始他的商業設計事業。1996年,他在紐約曼哈頓西村開創了獲獎無數的品牌設計公司 Wing Chan Design, Inc.,客戶包括美國運通私人銀行 (American Express Private Bank)、渣打私人銀行 (Standard Chartered Private Bank) 等等。與此同時,他也在紐約市的時裝設計科技學院兼任平面設計大學 (Fashion Institute of Technology) 教授職位,其平面設計作品展示在世界各地。2011年,陳漢榮回流香港,重新尋根並一直專注他的攝影和攝影蒙太奇。他從城市生活題材中獲得靈感,通過攝影創作其獨有的攝影蒙太奇,繼續展示他個人對於形式、形狀、顏色和質感的精妙把握。此後,他陸續在巴黎、銀座、京都、神戶、紐約、首爾、香港、新加坡和曼谷舉辦了攝影蒙太奇展覽。


“對我來說,紐約市是屬於追夢人和實踐者的。這城市是一張空白,具有無限可能的畫布,它把自己納入你當中。你一旦在那裡生活過,身上就有它的烙印。在許多方面,香港也是如此。它們都是我的城市,我的家,永遠都是。” Wing Chan