香港老店攝影集 Hong Kong Old Shops book
香港老店攝影集 Hong Kong Old Shops book
香港老店攝影集 Hong Kong Old Shops book
香港老店攝影集 Hong Kong Old Shops book
香港老店攝影集 Hong Kong Old Shops book
香港老店攝影集 Hong Kong Old Shops book
香港老店攝影集 Hong Kong Old Shops book
香港老店攝影集 Hong Kong Old Shops book

香港老店攝影集 Hong Kong Old Shops book

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「香港城市發展迅速,原有的老店逐漸被大型商場取代,變得商業化,令人與人之間多了一分的距離感及隔膜,我希望透過攝影把這些即將消失的傳統風格老店記錄下來,緬懷人與人之間的人情味及鄰里之間的零距離。」- 隋彪

104 頁彩色精裝攝影集, 23cm H x 26cm L , ISBN: 978-988-76578-8-0


**Tsiu Piu receives 2023 National Geographic Photo Contest First Place**

Hong Kong Old Shops is a dedication to these magnificent old stores.  The aim is to illustrate how store-fronts generally looked in the previous decades and the histories enclosed within these walls.  The book is divided into two chapters, Food and Living, with over 90 stories of endurance and those gradually declining industries.  The photographs captured in this book are indelible mementos of erstwhile store owners and their enduring spirit.  Tsui Pui is an award-winning photographer specializing in culture and travel.  This is a 23cm H x 26cm L, 104 pages hard copy book.

'Hong Kong Old Shops' has been one of the Bests Sellers books at Eslite for several weeks.

#香港老店#隋彪#Hong Kong old shops#香港文化#夕陽行業#香港#懷舊#Hong Kong Culture#Old Hong Kong#Sunset industry#