香港地質公園邀請KELVIN YUEN擔任合作攝影師,為慶祝公園十週年拍攝一輯新作.
“KELVININSM” 既是作品集的名字,同時指Kelvin個性鮮明的攝影風格.
「當香港的照片和外國的放在一起,你不會覺得香港的風景被比下去,並會發現香港的自然景觀原來是如此有魔力。」Kelvin Yuen
Hong Kong UNESCO Global Geopark photos by Kelvin Yuen
Photo size is 20x25cm. Frame is Walnut wood with premium non-reflective vinyl, hangable, size 25x30-35cm.
Kelvin Yuen Artwork Print By EastPro Gallery
Museum Grade paper
Printed by Epson Printer
Framed and Finished by EastPro Gallery
Made in Hong Kong
About Kelvin Yuen
The International Landscape Photographer of the Year 2020
Hong Kong Based Landscape Photographer
Kelvin was brought up by an ordinary family and led a frugal life. He has been professionally working since 2014. After he graduated from the university in 2018, he started to travel around the world as a full-time Landscape photographer. Kelvin’s accomplishments as a photographer have earned him the title of “International Landscape Photographer of The Year, 2020”.