PhotoPainting book
PhotoPainting book
PhotoPainting book
PhotoPainting book
PhotoPainting book
PhotoPainting book
PhotoPainting book
PhotoPainting book

PhotoPainting book

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Regular Edition 精裝版 HKD$328 

Collector Limited Edition 收藏版 HKD$498 (Numbered 1-30, signature on cover) 


有關 陳永毅 Dennis Chan

英國皇家攝影學會會士 (ARPS) 、攝影記者及攝影導師,專注於底片攝影,擁有20年攝影經驗,多年來獲得了十多個本地和海外的攝影獎項。過去除了在香港舉辨過多次攝影展覽外,更於2017年在芬蘭舉辦他的首次海外個人攝影展。

Dennis 亦曾被國際知名的芬蘭 Kakslauttanen Arctic Resort 邀請,以首位亞洲攝影師的身份參加「國際藝術家交流計劃」,部份作品更被渡假村挑選於當地畫廊作永久性展示。

榮獲英國皇家攝影學會會士 (ARPS) 名銜的本地攝影師 Dennis Chan

學習攝影的人都會遇到的一個問題:什麼才是「好」的攝影。 Dennis 亦不例外,他曾經亦遇上過瓶頸,什至自我懷疑。直到後來他閱讀更多外國的攝影作品,令他發現原來「好」的攝影並不抽象,而其中如何成為 英國皇家攝影學會會士 便是他精進攝影的契機。

Hong Kong PhotoPainting is a collection of natural photography that the author has photographed in Hong Kong over the years, some of which are even more oriental and pictorial artworks.

Born in Hong Kong, Dennis is a photojournalist and an Associate of The Royal Photographic Society with over 20 years experiences specializing in Visual Art, Landscape and Street Photography.  He was the first Asian photographer who has conducted a solo photography exhibition in Finland in 2017.  He has also been invited by Kakslauttanen Arctic Resort in Lapland for an International Artist Exchange Program and his photos has been selected to display in the Resort Gallery permanently.  Dennis is now continues to photograph and focusing on nurture the next generation major in fine art photography.

Photography is an expression of artistic creation, using camera as a medium to record the most beautiful moments of the scene.

In my view, photography is an attitude and a spiritual practice, transforming ordinary forms and objects into unique and sublime images through my perception and inner feelings.  On the other hand, I like to focus on the lines, light and shadow to form a black and white image always.

When the split-second of pressing the shutter release, I have not much concerned about the aperture, shutter speed or any technical issues, instead, I feel the atmosphere with my heart and organize each object to compose a picture.

This album is a collection of natural still life that I have photographed in Hong Kong over the years, they are oriental, poetic and pictorial artworks.  I attempt these artworks can go beyond the traditional way of photography and create a visual impact to audience.

Book 24cm w x 26cm h, 80 pages, hard cover, with 72 photos.  Available early July 2022