Urban-Tapestry 012 IFC, Open edition
Urban-Tapastry 017 MTR Trains, Open edition
Urban-Tapestry 020 Bamboo, Open edition
Urban-Tapestry 028 Ginza, Open edition
Urban-Graphis 003 Kowloon City, Edition of 10
Urban-Graphis 152 Sake, Open edition
Urban-Graphis 166 Hunghom, Open edition
Urban-Graphis 017 Lines, edition of 10
Urban-Graphis 011 Blue bundle of paper, edition of 10
In Wing's “Urban-Tapestry” photomontage series, he has created a pictorial meditation on the mundane aspects of city life. Shopping malls, escalators, buses, subway platforms and commuting passengers on the metro who are ridding themselves of the humdrum. Casting these everyday situations in a fresh new light. This collection reminds the viewer that, in the midst of the bustling, monotonous rhythm of such places, they are just threads in the fabric of urban society and they are what makes a city a living, breathing entity. What is accepted as normal is elevated to something special with its own identity.
In “Urban-Graphis,” Wing created a form of optical poetry, where a single subject of interest (found in an urban area) is interwoven with itself multiple times or positioned in such a way to become something completely different from the single original image. Reflecting the nature of modern cities, these electrifying and bold pieces urge the viewer to rethink their indifference about these overlooked features of urban society and to find beauty and unpredictability in surroundings that are otherwise stationary and formulaic. No matter it be Hong Kong, Paris, Seoul or any other city, you can immerse yourself in the mood of his visual music.
攝影藝術家陳漢榮 「城市編織」 (Urban-Tapestry) 和 「城市圖像」(Urban-Graphis) 攝影蒙太奇系列作品及EastPro 出版社最新出版的 ‘Wing Chan Photomontage’ 攝影集。從陳漢榮的作品,可以觀察人們的日常行為,觀察乘坐地鐵、在機場等待下一班飛機,或在香港購物商場搭扶手電梯的人群。這些行為是有條件的,每個人都意識到自己身處公共空間,卻不知道自己正被仔細觀察、捕捉、數碼處理,並且永久地成為陳漢榮都市織帶的一部分。在立體主義、抽象表現主義和包浩斯的潛在影響下,陳漢榮將它們轉變為極富活力的藝術作品。